The Scholarship Programme

Education Strategy 2022

SGP has created a new approach in support for the Education Projects. This is to ensure that value for money is enhanced and that outcomes can be measured on a shorter time basis.

The Education strategy to date has been based upon the philosophy that by supporting the poorest families and least equipped schools then education standards can be raised to provide better life choices and options for the children. Whilst this philosophy remains key to the SGP strategy, the amount of time to measure benefits is considerable. The 2022 plan will create mechanisms to enhance the velocity of change so that benefits can be measured sooner.

  1. SGP will create a scholarship programme that will be offered to all schools currently supported by SGP.
    1. The scholarships will be awarded to children who attain grade passes above a defined level and show a capability and willingness to be awarded. These levels at time of writing are still to be defined.
    2. The fees that are saved on the drop outs from school re-opening will go to fully or partially fund the scholarships. This will not be known until January 2022. Consequently the budgets for the scholarships will be defined once this surplus fee information is understood.
    3. The scholarship will be re-assessed on a annual basis for the respective recipient.
    4. The scholarships will be offered at P7, S4 and S6.
      1. P7 scholarships will provide access and funding to S1
      2. S4 scholarships will provide access and funding to either S5 or Vocational Training.
      3. Scholarships to Vocational Training will be awarded less so on academic achievement but more importantly on capability and willingness.
      4. S6 Scholarships will provide access to further education.
  2. SGP will provide funding for St Joseph's Vocational School, to enable the facility to provide services.
    1. The Vocational School will charge fees to children who do not have SGP scholarships.
    2. Whilst it is expected that the fees from all the children will be adequate to fund the teaching staff, it is expected that SGP will have to “kick-start” the funding of teachers in 2022 additionally.
    3. The following vocational course will be considered for funding in 2022:
      1. Bricklaying
      2. Carpentry and Joinery
      3. Tailoring
1 Riversdale Gardens
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